Here we are completed week 4. Amazing!! It was a hard week for me to "catch up" on my reading as I got a few days behind. But I am on today's reading and back on track.
Please check out the area where it says Fellow Readers. Pray for others who are reading this week. I went through the list and prayed for each and everyone of you. So please be encouraged you aren't alone. We have each other and Most importantly we have Jesus!!
Sarah dies. Isaac marries. Isaac moves family to Garar because of famine and told people that Rebekah is his sister (history repeating itself as Abe did this 2 times to Sarah).
Jacob and Esau
Stolen birthright and blessing, Jacob flees to mothers family to find a wife. Marries Leah and Rachel. Also has children with each of their maidservants.
Glad we aren't being tested on each of the names and genealogy and how to spell them all and their order of birth.
* In Gen 28 there is a 2nd reference (in our reading so far) of giving the Lord a 10th.
Jacob made a vow to give God a 10th.
Jacobs life and children. His return home.
Life of Joesph. Being sold to Egypt and how the Lord was with him. The Lord blessed him no matter where he was. Good thing to remember. We may not be where we want to be but keep the Lord first, He will watch over us and bless us. He won't leave you or forsake you.
Joesph went before his family (even though it was by force) to Egypt and prepared a place for the family. God knew that they would need to go to Egypt so Joesph was sent there and gained favor with the Egyptians.
After death of Jacob the brothers thought that Joesph may "get back" at him for what they did to him but his response was...
Gen. 50:20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
People may do terrible things to you or your family, but we don't know the full plan of God. Things may be meant to be evil against us but always look for the God spot in it. Maybe it is for the good of others or just maybe the good for yourself.
Praise be to God for He is so good and so worthy of being Praised!
Lord make me a women that is worthy of Your Great and Awesome Name!