480 years after Israel came out of Egypt the temple begins to be built.
God spoke to Solomon concerning His house. God told him walk in my statutes and obey my rules and commandments. God said I will establish My word with you and will dwell and walk among Israel and won't forsake them.
The temple was a magnificent building. Cedar wood and overlays in gold.
Day 2
Whatever we do, the Lord needs to be in it. If He is not, then it is in vain. Children are a gift from God.
Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord and walks in His ways.
Lord's house finished in 7 years. Solomon took 11 years to build his house.
Altar was made out of bronze. Bronze symbolizes judgment. The wash basins were also out of bronze. There was sin so that is why they needed to have the altar - to sacrifice. Had to be a payment for the sin and judgement. Now we have Jesus - He was our payment!
Day 3
Solomon assembled the people to bring up the Ark of Covenant. They sacrificed so many sheep and oxen that they couldn't be counted. Once the Ark was in the house, it filled with a cloud.
Give glory to the Lord, for the sake of Your steadfast love and faithfulness. Lord is our help and shield. He will bless us. Steadfast means - Unwavering, firm, not subject to change, loyal and fixed. I'm so glad I serve a God who has that kind of love for me (and for you too!)
Day 4
God fulfilled the building of His house like He said that He would. Temple is dedicated. Solomon knew that this house couldn't contain the Lord but it would be a place for the people to go and pray towards.
Lord be with us and not forsake us, incline our hearts to You and walk in Your ways. Lord is God and there is no other. Let your heart be wholly true to the Lord our God.
Day 5
Once the prayer was done to dedicate temple fire came down from heaven and consumed the offerings. The glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. People bowed with faces to the ground and worshipped.
The Lord reigns and is great, praise His awesome name. Holy is He. Make a joyful noise to the Lord. Serve Him with gladness. It is He who made us and we are the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
Lord warned them if they turn away and serve other gods that He will cut them off. People will see and ask. "why has the Lord done this to the people?" and it will be because they abandoned the Lord.
If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land. If they turn away from God then He will pluck them up from the land He gave them.
Day 6 & 7
Beloved = Him
Love = Her
Solomon is a love song/story
We can see the love between a woman and a man. They marry and have a beautiful relationship. We are Christs bride (the Church), He found us and loves us. We need to cling to Him with all our love. The groom considered his bride the most beautiful among women. God thinks of each one of us in that way (male or female). We are beautiful, precious in His sight.
I read a great commentary on Song of Solomon from James Vernon Mcgee and it gave me great insight to this book. Check it out if you want to dig deeper!
Happy Reading - Jeannie
Day 2
Whatever we do, the Lord needs to be in it. If He is not, then it is in vain. Children are a gift from God.
Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord and walks in His ways.
Lord's house finished in 7 years. Solomon took 11 years to build his house.
Altar was made out of bronze. Bronze symbolizes judgment. The wash basins were also out of bronze. There was sin so that is why they needed to have the altar - to sacrifice. Had to be a payment for the sin and judgement. Now we have Jesus - He was our payment!
Day 3
Solomon assembled the people to bring up the Ark of Covenant. They sacrificed so many sheep and oxen that they couldn't be counted. Once the Ark was in the house, it filled with a cloud.
Give glory to the Lord, for the sake of Your steadfast love and faithfulness. Lord is our help and shield. He will bless us. Steadfast means - Unwavering, firm, not subject to change, loyal and fixed. I'm so glad I serve a God who has that kind of love for me (and for you too!)
Day 4
God fulfilled the building of His house like He said that He would. Temple is dedicated. Solomon knew that this house couldn't contain the Lord but it would be a place for the people to go and pray towards.
Lord be with us and not forsake us, incline our hearts to You and walk in Your ways. Lord is God and there is no other. Let your heart be wholly true to the Lord our God.
Day 5
Once the prayer was done to dedicate temple fire came down from heaven and consumed the offerings. The glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. People bowed with faces to the ground and worshipped.
The Lord reigns and is great, praise His awesome name. Holy is He. Make a joyful noise to the Lord. Serve Him with gladness. It is He who made us and we are the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
Lord warned them if they turn away and serve other gods that He will cut them off. People will see and ask. "why has the Lord done this to the people?" and it will be because they abandoned the Lord.
If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land. If they turn away from God then He will pluck them up from the land He gave them.
Day 6 & 7
Beloved = Him
Love = Her
Solomon is a love song/story
We can see the love between a woman and a man. They marry and have a beautiful relationship. We are Christs bride (the Church), He found us and loves us. We need to cling to Him with all our love. The groom considered his bride the most beautiful among women. God thinks of each one of us in that way (male or female). We are beautiful, precious in His sight.
I read a great commentary on Song of Solomon from James Vernon Mcgee and it gave me great insight to this book. Check it out if you want to dig deeper!
Happy Reading - Jeannie