Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 38 September 17-23

Day 1

Ezekiel is given the measurements of the temple.  
The glory of God came from the east.  The sound was like many waters, the earth shone with His glory.  Ezekiel fell on his face and the spirit lifted him and brought him to inner court.  The glory of the Lord filled the temple.  Spirit spoke to Ezekiel and said this is where God will dwell, the people have done many iniquities and should be ashamed.  

Day 2

The outer gate of the temple must remain shut and no one should enter it but the Lord.  Mark well all that you have seen and heard so that you can tell the Israelites.  This is so that they will turn back to the Lord.  The priests will need to teach the people the difference between holy and common, clean and unclean things. 

Day 3 

The name of the city from that time on shall be called, "The Lord is there"
A Lament for Egypt.

Day 4

Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that worried and scared him.  The dream had to do with his power, strength and how he would be cut off.  Daniel told him to break off your sins by practicing righteousness and show mercy to the oppressed.  Neb was a very proud man and he was humbled.  When his reason was restored he blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him.  All God's works are right and His ways are right and just.  Those who walk in pride He is able to humble. 

Day 5

May God be gracious and bless us and make His face to shine upon us.  That His ways may be known on earth.  Let the people praise You, O God.  To the Lord I lift up my eyes.  The eyes of the servants look to the hand of their master, our eyes look to the Lord our God.  Have mercy upon us Lord.  I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, in His word I hope.  

Day 6

After 70 years Babylon will be punished.  Then Israel and Judah will join together and seek the Lord. Our Redeemer is strong: the Lord of hosts is His name.  

Day 7

King of Babylon, (Belshazzar), had a party and used the sacred vessels from the temple of the Lord to drink out of.  The hand wrote on the wall and they were fearful.  The heart of the king was proud and needed to be humbled.  God has numbered his days.  He was an unfair king and his kingdom would be divided.  The king was then killed the next day.  

I am reminded many times though this reading that I too can become proud.  My heart needs to be humble before others and especially before my God.   Lord help us all to have a humbleness and give us Your grace and mercy. Amen.  

-Happy Reading  Jeannie 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 37 September 10 - 16

Day 1

The people left in Judah were told to live under the command of Nebuchadnezzar and they would be ok. But the leader was struck down.
The people needed to pray that God may show them the way that they should go and what they should do. But they needed to listen to what God said and not just do what they thought was best.  What God says to do will ALWAYS be better than what we think of on our own.

Day 2

The people didn't want to listen to Jeremiah and said he was lying.  The Lord continued to send his servants to tell the people what to do and what not to do but they would not listen.  

Day 3

The people will fall by the sword their proud might will come to an end.  

Day 4

Nebuchadnezzar made a golden image that all people were to fall down and worship.  Whoever did not worship this image was to be thrown in the fiery furnace.  When the three men wouldn't bow before the golden image  Neb was furious. He said, what god is there who will deliver you out of my hands? The men said we don't have to answer that but our God who we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace and will deliver us from your hand. Even if he doesn't we still won't serve other gods or worship this image.  These man stood up for righteousness even to the point of death. Their God would be with them no matter what. When Neb saw them in the fire and there was a fourth person that had the appearance of the son of the gods he called them out. He said blessed be the God of these men He has delivered them. He made a decree that no one was to speak anything offensive against their God. There is no other God who is able to deliver in this way.  
How great are His signs and how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and His dominion it's from generation to generation.
The Lord takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live.

Day 5

Woe to the shepherds feeding themselves when they should be feeding the flock. The Lord will search for His sheep and seek them out. He will feed them and give them rest and blessings. You are the sheep of the Lord's pasture and He is your God.  The Lord will restore His people and  will give them a new heart and a new spirit and will remove the heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.

Day 6

The vision of the valley of the dry bones. The Lord will restore Israel. He will be their God and they will be his people. His dwelling place will be with them. God will show His greatness, holiness and make Himself known in the eyes of many nations.  They will know that He is The Lord.

Day 7

Ezekiel sees the vision of the new temple. He sees every little detail and sees the measurements.  Our God is into details.  He cares a out the details in your life as well, share them with Him and be encouraged in Him today.

Happy reading - Jeannie 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 36 September 3 - 9

Day 1

Woe to the bloody city of Jerusalem.  It was full of sin.  There was no use to mourn and weep over those taken into captivity.  The Lord gave plenty of warnings. 

Day 2

Prophecy against Egypt.  They were proud and exalted themselves.  They too would fall.

Day 3

God is the maker of all things, He makes them beautiful and strong.  But when they become prideful the Lord will break them.  
Ah, Lord God! It is You who have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm!  Nothing is too hard for You.  He is great in counsel and mighty in deed.  He sees all and rewards each one according to his ways.  

Day 4

The Lord says, Call to Me and I will answer and will tell you great and hidden things you have not known.   God will hide His face from those who do evil.  
Give thanks to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good, for His steadfast love endures forever. The Lord is our righteousness.  

Day 5

The Chaldeans came and took over and brought people to King Nebakanezer.  They burned the house of the Lord and took all the precious things.  
Blessed is the man whom the Lord disciplines and who He teaches out of His law.  For the Lord will not forsake His people, He will not abandon His heritage, for justice will return to the righteous and all the upright in heart will follow it.  When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul.

Day 6

The people then cried out to God asking Him not to cast them off forever.  Allow compassion to come quickly.  Help us Oh God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name; delivers us and atone for our sins,  for Your name's sake.  We are the sheep of Your pasture, give thanks to the Lord forever.  

Day 7

The Lord has brought forth destruction without mercy.  
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.  The Lord is my portion, therefore I will hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.  

Even though the Lord destroyed the cities and allowed the people to be taken captivity He was always waiting for them to return to Him.  If they did He would be right there to receive them back. I am so very blessed to serve a God who loves me this much.  He is fair and righteous. 

Happy Reading - Jeannie 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Week 35 August 24 - September 2


Day 1

Ezekiel was one of the exiles in Babylon.  The Lord spoke to him and showed him visions.  He was to tell the people what the Lord showed him.  He saw a vision in the appearance of the Likeness of the glory of the Lord.  When he saw it he fell on his face.  Was told to not fear the people but tell them the words from the Lord. 

Day 2

Ezekiel would prophecy and act out the prophecy for the people to see.  The people were about to go through terrible suffering and famine   He shaved his head which was very significant because priests didn't shave.  Then he took the hair and burned 1/3, cut 1/3 with the sword and scattered 1/3, which is what was going to happen to the people. The Lord was against them because of their abominations and they would be judged.  They would be an object of reproach. 

Day 3

Told of the day of the wrath of the Lord.  Punishment is coming, and they will KNOW that He is the Lord. They each did what they wanted according to their own ways.  There would be terror, horror, feebleness  and shame.  Their riches wouldn't help them in any way. The Lord will put an end to the pride of the strong and take away the high places.  There was vile abominations and every vision Ezekiel saw had greater abominations than the one before.    There would be a mark on the forehead of the men who sighed and groaned over the abominations that were committed.   All those without the mark would be struck.  

Day 4

He saw the wicked counselors and saw that they will fall by the sword and be judged.  His heart was broken over the people of Israel.  Of those the Lord scattered He will bring back and will give them a new heart and rid the land of detestable things.  God told them that His word would happen sooner than they thought and He won't delay.  The false prophets kept telling the people to not worry everything would be fine.  

Day 5

The false prophets needed to repent and turn away from their idols and turn their faces from all their abominations.  They were telling the people things that God did not say.  
God took in His people, nurtured them, loved them, clothed them but they trusted in their beauty and played the whore.  They forgot who helped them and loved them.  Their hearts were sick. 

Day 6

Through all the things the Lord will do they will KNOW that He is Lord.   The people would die for their own sins and not the sins of fathers or sons.  Each one is individually responsible for their own sin.  If a person was wicked but turned away from sin they would be saved and live.  If they were righteous but went into wickedness they will not be remembered for their righteousness but will die.  Cast away all sin lest it be your ruin.  
When God brought the people out of Egypt He told them to cast away the detestable things and do not defile yourselves with idols of Egypt.  But the people rebelled and weren't willing to listen.  

Day 7

Ezekiel was told to groan with a breaking heart and bitter grief before their eyes.  When they ask why, tell them that every heart will melt, their hands will be feeble, their spirit will be faint and their knees will be weak as water. 
God doesn't take anything lightly.  He doesn't ever want to destroy His people.  He has warned them again and again.  However His warning is over and He is now taking action.  Even up until the very last minute He gives them a change to repent and fall humbly before Him.  He is such a loving Father that wants us to return to him if we have turned away.  If we do it with a humble heart and turn from wickedness He will forgive.  

-Happy Reading Jeannie