Dear sisters I do hope your reading is going well and you are being blessed. Leviticus can be hard to go through because of all the laws and things that aren't in our culture today. So if you are struggling, hang in there, because I am praying for you.
Lev. 4 - 7
Sin is Sin and all of it had to be atoned for. Whether it was intentional or unintentional. Blood was needed to pay for the sin. Just as Jesus had to die on the cross to cleanse us of our sins. All sins, the ones we did on purpose or not on purpose, even the ones we didn't even know we did. Sin - Has to be Paid For.
Psalms 32:5 I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I did not hide: I said, "I will confess my transgression to the Lord"; and You forgave the guilt of my sin.
Without the forgiveness of sin there is no connection to our Heavenly Father.
When we sin, or realize our sin we don't have to bring an animal to the priest. However we do need to bring "something" to God - Ourselves. Humbly confess and ask for forgiveness. God always makes a way. Even the people in the Levitical time that were poor were told to bring 2 turtledoves or pigeons or a 10th of a ephah of fine flour. There was no excuse to live in guilt. Still applies today. No need to live in guilt. Jesus paid the price. Go to Him humbly and ask for the forgiveness that He is so very willing to give.
Lev. 8
Aarons sons were to go to Moses and he put on their right ear, thumb and big toe the blood. We are to hear the voice of God, service with our hands for God and with our feet walk in Gods ways. Lord help me to give you my entire body for your service.
Lev. 11:44
For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am holy.
Lev. 13
Ok so this is my funny side. I had to make note of this. Verse 40 - If a man loses the hair of his head, he is bald; he is clean. (as long as there was no rash) So all those men or even women with thinning hair it is ok. Natural process of growing older. :)
Lev. 17
The Israelites were not to act like the heathens around them. They were called to a higher standard. This wasn't easy, just like it isn't always easy for us to live differently then the world does. But it is Do-Able, if we are willing and if we have the Lord to help us. Without His help it will seem impossible. But with Him all things are possible.
God also tells them in Ch. 18 Don't live like you used to in Egypt and don't live like the Canaanites around you either. Live how God tells you to. They were on there own to live differently, unlike any others around them. We are called to live differently too.
Lev. 20
Consecrate yourselves and be holy as God is holy. Death was the penalty for sins. Many sins are committed today and laughed at. Like it is no big deal.
I had a friend tell me a story when he was in school and he was kicking a trash can. The teacher told him to stop but he continued. The teacher then warned him, if he didn't that she would pick him up and place him in the trash - head first. Well he kept kicking and head first he went into the trash. He never did it again. When we realize the severity of our sin and know the consequences it holds we should change our behavior. We will never stop sinning but we can work on it when we know we mess up.
Lev. 25-27
There shall be no other gods before you. God wants all of us and he told them that if they would follow him and His commands it would be a good thing. He would dwell with them, He would bless them. But if they went against Him or ignored Him then His face would be against them and would be sudden terror, consumption, fever and wasting away and wouldn't be satisfied. (Lev. 26:16)
He still wants us and our attention to be on Him. And yes we will be blessed if we do keep our eyes on Him. That doesn't mean that nothing will go wrong or bad things wont happen to us. But it does mean that when those things come up we can still have peace and joy because we know we aren't ever handling things on our own. He is always with us. Will never leave us or forsake us.
Happy Reading
-Jeannie :)
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