Day 1
Sermon on the mount - describes how we are blessed. We are the light of the world. Shine before others. The Lords prayer. Where your treasure is there your heart will be also. We can't serve God and money. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Don't be anxious about tomorrow.
Day 2
The centurion had a great faith. He believed that Jesus could just say the word and it would be done, and it was. Come to Me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Day 3
A sinful woman anointed Jesus and wept at His feet. Her faith had saved her, and she was told to go in peace. Blessed are those who hear the word of God keep it. Whoever does the will of the Father is Jesus's family.
Day 4
Be Christlike inside and out. The scribes and Pharisees were just waiting to catch Jesus in something He might say to convict Him. We too will be watched closely but the unbelievers so that they can ridicule us and convict us of not being a good Christian. Pray to be strong in your beliefs and that you will live a life worthy of Christs calling. We all mess up but when you do, pray and repent and He will forgive.
Day 5 Day 6
Jesus preached in parables. Jesus came for sinners.
Day 7
Jesus would ask the people if they believed that He could do what they had asked (to be healed) They would say yes and their faith in Him healed their illnesses His fame continued to spread. Jesus would send out His apostles to the lost sheep of Israel They were like sheep in the midst of wolves. Don't fear the Lord will give you the words and will protect you.
Happy Reading - Jeannie
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