The Greeks were seeking Jesus. There is more than just seeing Him, we must entrust our spiritual well-being to Him. The hour is near that Jesus will be lifted up. Still after all of the signs and wonders they still did not believe. Their eyes were blind and their hearts were hard. Some believed but would not confess it so that they would not be thrown out of the synagogue. They wanted glory from men rather than from God. Signs of Jesus is coming -False prophets, wars, nations against nations, famine, earthquakes, tribulations, backsliding and lawlessness. But the one who endures to the end will be saved, be ready for the rapture. Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not. Watch yourselves lest your heart be weighted down with the cares of this life. Be ready and stay awake.
Day 2
No one knows the exact day that Jesus will come back for us so be ready be faithful and wise. Tell others about Jesus and spread God's word, multiply it. When we help those who are in need we are doing it for the Lord and will be blessed. Stay awake and pray that you will have strength to escape and stand ready for Jesus's is coming.
Judas makes plans to betray Jesus. Jesus shares the Passover meal with His disciples.
Day 3
Jesus washes the disciples feet. A servant is not greater than his Master. The flock of sheep will be scattered. Jesus tells Peter that he will deny him three times. Jesus tells them that once he is gone the commandment is to love one another. The Lord's supper is shared - the bread represents His body and the wine represents His blood that was poured out for forgiveness of sins. He tells them to do this in remembrance of Me.
Day 4
Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in God and Jesus. There is a place prepared for us and He will come and take us so that we will be with Him and He with us. Jesus is the Way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father except through Jesus. Jesus is in the Father and the Father in Him. Jesus will send a Helper which is the Holy Spirit and He will be with us, He is the Spirit of Truth. Jesus said peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. We are to bear fruit. Apart from Jesus we can do nothing. Jesus loves us as much as the Father has loved Him. Jesus laid down His life for us. We are not of this world and it will hate us. The Spirit of Truth will guide us in all truth. In this world we will have tribulation but take heart, I have overcome the world.
Day 5
Jesus is taken and the disciples flee Jesus told the high priest he has done nothing in secret and all he is done they know. The people were speaking falsely against him and the beating begins. They were mocking him. Peter was following at a distance but denied him three times and the rooster crowed. Peter wept bitterly.
Day 6
Pilate was amazed at Jesus and found no guilt in Him. Jesus was then brought before Herod. Pilates wife even told him to not convict Jesus and that He is a righteous man. Pilate washed his hands of it and said that the blood is not on his hands but on theirs and the people did not care. The people continue to shout, "Crucify Him". They clothed Him with royal clothes and said "Hail the King of the Jews" striking him on the head, spitting and mocking Him.
Day 7
Jesus is taken to Golgotha, the place of the skull. The people divided His clothes and they told Jesus to save himself. Jesus said Father forgive them for they not know what they do. One criminal asked Jesus to remember him. He realized that he was being killed for his deeds but Jesus was innocent. Jesus told him, today you will be with Me in Paradise. There was darkness for three hours and Jesus cried out to Father and yielded His body. The curtain in the temple was torn into from top to bottom. The people watching this take place realized that He was the Son of God. Jesus is placed in the tomb and they sealed the stone and put guards on duty because they remembered that He said that He would rise in three days. Jesus does indeed rise on the third day. When the women came to the tomb they saw the angel with an appearance like lightning and clothes white as snow. They had great fear and great joy and went quickly to tell the disciples. Jesus has risen He has conquered the grave!
Happy Reading - Jeannie
Happy Reading - Jeannie
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