Deut. 8
Be careful to observe Gods commandments. Remember what you went through and how God provided.
v. 3 Man does not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.
For 40 years they traveled and their garments didn't wear out and feet didn't swell.
I don't know about your families but our garments don't last for 40 days sometimes before they are worn out. And the swelling. WOW!!
The Israelities were told, "Don't forget" V.19 Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish.
Life away from God equals death. Plain and Simple.
Deut 9
Israel will cross the Jordan and drive out the people. God will go before them. It wasn't because of their righteousness but because of the wickedness within the people living in the land.
They were told don't forget how you provoked the Lord. When they made the molten image of the calf. God wanted to destroy them. Moses interceded for them on so many occasions. Moses was like Jesus, he interceded for them, fell on his face and cried out for them that God wouldn't destroy them. He could only love them and do this for them because God put that compassion in him. It wasn't just a compassion for the people but for God. He didn't want God to destroy them because also of what people would think of the Lord if He did.
Deut 10:12 Lord requires you to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and keep commandments and statutes.
God of gods, Lord of lords Great God-Mighty and Awesome
v.20 Fear Him, Serve Him, Hold fast to Him.
Deut 11 - 13
God told them the land that they would enter would be blessed. But to beware that their hearts were not deceived by other gods. They were to impress these words on their heart and soul, bind them as a sign on their hands, and on frontals on their foreheads. To teach them to their children always.
We looked up what a frontal was and it is truly a box on the forehead that held Gods word in it. Some still wear them on their foreheads today. They could open it up and put out the papers of scripture and read.
If a person tried to persuade you to follow another god that person was to be killed. We are only to serve the Lord our God. The One and only!!!
Deut 28
Diligently obey voice of the Lord, observe carefully. They were going to the promised land and would be blessed it they did what was right. If they didn't then they would be cursed if they forsake the Lord. There would be confusion, cursing, plagues, sickness, blindness, madness and confusion of the heart. Things would be taken from them right before their eyes. v.28 Because they didn't serve the Lord with joy and gladness of heart - distress and desperate plagues and sickness occurred They would be scattered and have no rest and enemies will take them back to Egypt.
Moses gives them a foreshadow of what is to come.
Throughout the reading this week we are told that the people were reminded on how they should live. How they needed to only worship and serve the Lord God only. They were shown miracles and experienced God in an awesome way.
We too have the word of God and are reminded by reading it how we should live and have no other gods either. A god could be anything that we serve or worship more than the Lord. Pray about it and ask the Lord to show you if there is something that takes up the time that you should be spending with Him. Believe me it isn't easy. We live in a time with soooooo many distractions that it can be hard to sit and read and pray. But as much as we know this the enemy thrives on it. If he can distract us away from the things of God then he knows we aren't in communion with our Savior. He will pull us away slowly and before you know it you haven't been reading for a few days or praying. I know I have those days as well. But hold fast and firm to Jesus!! I will be praying for you all as well as if you would pray too. Lord keep our focus on You!
The Israelites saw Gods hand and how he did miracles in front of their eyes. They knew beyond a doubt that the Lord was in the cloud guiding them and that He parted the sea.
Do you know of a time that they Lords hand was in your life? Would you like to share it and encourage your sisters? Please comment on this page or email it to me and I will post it for you. God is so good and lets encourage one another to grow closer to Him everyday.
-Happy Reading Jeannie
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