Numbers 20
Miriam Dies
There is no water and the people complain. So Moses and Aaron go before the Lord and He tells them that there will be water coming from the rock. Moses gathers the assembly and tells them. "Listen now, you rebels; shall we bring forth water for you out of this rock?" Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice.
Moses, no doubt, was frustrated with the people. But he did things his way. Shall "we" bring forth water for you? No God brought forth the water. He was using Moses but God still did it. Also Moses stuck the rock twice. It wasn't necessarily to strike it twice.
Because of this Moses wouldn't be allowed to enter into the promise land. We will read this at the end of our reading for this week.
Aaron dies.
Numbers 21:5-11
The people spoke against God and Moses,'Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water and we loathe this miserable food."
I read this and thought hmmmm. Sounds like my kids sometimes.
"Mom, I'm hungry."
"Well get something to eat"
"There's nothing to eat"
"Yes, there is. I just went to the store yesterday, there is fruit on the counter or snacks in the pantry"
"Well I don't like that, we have nothing to eat"
Not just kids but us as adults too.... Nothing to eat. I have never starved but have been guilty of saying there is nothing to eat. God always provides, not just food but all things, sometimes we get so spoiled that we don't accept what we have and want more.
Baalam and Balak
Baalam said even if he were offered a house full of silver and gold he couldn't say anything that God didn't tell him to say. He knew he had to say what God wanted him to. He did that right, however he kept waiting to see if God would say something different. Then he got on the donkey to meet with Balak and 3 times the donkey stopped and was diverted because of the angel of the Lord. I love the part where the donkey's mouth is opened and he says why have you struck me 3 times. I have been faithful. I would definitively listen if my horse opened up his mouth and told me a thing or two. Baalam continues to bless the Isrealites. Balak kept trying to make Baalam go to a different place to curse them. I am surprised that Baalam kept going. But he finally realized that the Isrealites were a blessed people.
Numbers 30 Making a vow
I liked this, how when you made a vow it was to be carried out. Don't violate word - do according to all that proceeds out of your mouth. If a daughter made vow it would be binding unless her father thought that it wasn't reasonable. How many times have we said something that maybe wasn't reasonable. This would also apply after she was married. How awesome is that for the women to be protected. I want my husband to have my back. If I mess up or need help with a situation he is there for me. That is how Christ is for us too. He has our back and He gives us His word so that when we speak we can speak with love and kindness and not speak hastily and rash.
Numbers 33
God tells the Israelites that when they take over a land that they need to drive out all people and completely destroy the figured stones, images, and high places. If they didn't those things would become like pricks in their eyes, thorns in sides, and they will trouble you. If we don't remove all the sin then we will face the same problems. Not just a little irritation but something in your eye will bug you till no end and cause great pain after a while. Sin may start out small but it will grow and become a great trouble if we don't completely remove it.
The men were not to fear the inhabitants of the lands that they would overtake. God fought for them. They needed to hold fast to the Lord their God. Keep their souls diligent that they didn't forget the things they saw so that those things didn't depart from their hearts all the days of their lives. Make those things known to their sons and grandsons. (Duet 4:9)
No other people had experienced God in the same way that the Isrealities had. They lacked nothing and God showed them the way to go. They were to obey God and they would prosper.
Duet 6
Hear O Isreal the Lord your God is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might. Teach these things diligently to your sons always, bind them on your hand/forehead and write on doorposts. They were told not to forget these things once they were in the promised land.
We need to be reminded that when things are good to not forget the reason why they are good. God gives us everything. If we are prospering then praise Him as well as pray to Him when times are tough.
Again and again when the people obeyed the Lord it was good, when they disobeyed things went bad.
We are blessed when we are walking in the will of the Lord. But sometimes bad things happen and don't go the way we thought they should. We just need to continue to be obedient follow the Lord. Bad things do happen sometimes it is because we aren't following the way the Lord wants us to. Sometimes they just happen and it is out of our control. We need to be in constant fellowship with Him. What a better way to know His will then to be reading His word everyday! Keep up the good work!
Happy Reading - Jeannie
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