Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week 24 June 11-17

Sorry I got a bit behind as my family was here visiting. We had an amazing time together! So much fun!!!
Day 1
Soloman reigned in Israel 40 yrs. Rehoboam, his son, reigned after him. 
Genealogy of Solomon. 
Prayer of Jabez - Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, that Your hand might be with me and keep me from harm and pain.
Genealogy of David.

Day 2
Sons of Levi and lists of other sons.
Aaron was set apart for most holy things.

Day 3
Heads of the house of Reuben. He was the first born but birthright taken away because he defiled fathers couch. Birthright given to Joseph. 

Day 4
Rehoboam asked what should I do with the people. He was advised to listen to them. But his young friends told him to be hard on the people. He listened to them and put a heavy yoke on the people. God had a plan to take away the kingship from the house of Solomon. 
Jeroboam is king as well. The only ones that followed house of David was the tribe of Judah. 
Jeroboam was afraid the people wouldn't follow him so he made two gold calves for them to worship. He also appointed priests that weren't in the house of the Levites. 
People of Judah took Azariah to be king, he was 16 yrs. old. 
Rehoboam was going to fight against his relitives but man of God told him not to and he listened.

Day 5
Man of God was by altar with Jeroboam. Man of God told him that the altar would be torn down and ashes poured out. Jeroboam stretched out hand against him and it was dried up. His hand was restored when he asked man of God to pray for it. Man of God had strict instructions from The Lord but was tricked by another prophet. He ends up paying with his life. 
Once Rehoboam  was established and was strong he abandoned the law of The Lord.  We need to be careful of this as well.  When things are good we shouldn't abandon our Heavenly Father. We have to be on our knees crying out when we are struggling but once things are good we need to keep on our knees.
Judah did evil in the sight of The Lord.  They set up high places and there was sexual immorality. The King of Egypt came and took all that they had off the treasures in the house of The Lord.

Day 6 & 7
War between Jeroboam (bad) and Abijah (good). Abijah said we haven't forsaken The Lord and He is with us. He prevailed and grew mighty but then took 14 wife's and had many children.  
The names were hard for me to follow because according to Kings the name was spelled one way and then in Chronocles it was another way. Also figuring out the bad guys from the good guys was hard to. 
But there were some more highlights I would like to jot down.
King Asa loved The Lord. He was told, "The Lord is with you while you are with Him. Don't forsake Him. V7 But you, take courage! Don't let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.
Asa also removed his mother from her position because she worshiped an abominable image. He stood up for God even against his family,  it makes me want to shout, "hooray"!!! 

Happy reading - Jeannie 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 23 June 4- 10

Day 1
Whoever is led astray by strong drink is not wise.  The righteous who walks in his integrity - blessed are his children after him! Wait on the Lord and He will deliver you.   A man's steps are from the Lord. 
Train up a child in the way that he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge, for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you and they are ready on your lips. 
Do not let your heart envy sinners. 

Day 2
Don't be envious of evil men or desire to be with them. If your enemy is hungry and thirsty - feed him and give him drink.  Lord will reward you.  A man without self control is like a city broken into and left without walls.  A lying tongue hates its victim and a flattering mouth works ruin.  Don't boast about tomorrow, because you don't know what a today may bring. 

Day 3
Better to be poor and walk in integrity than rich and crooked in your ways.  Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always.  A faithful man will abound with blessings. 
Discipline your son and he will give you rest, he will give delight to your heart.  He who trusts in the Lord is safe. 
Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.  Ask of the Lord for neither poverty nor riches, give me what is needed lest I be full and deny You, or poor and steal. 

Day 4
Solomon loved many foreign women and it led to his fall.  Lord told them not to marry foreigners because they would turn them away after their own gods. Solomon clung to the women in love. He had 700 wives and princesses and 300 concubines.  His heart was no longer wholly devoted to the Lord like his father David.  Lord raised up men against him. 

Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes and it was full of his explanations on how everything is vanity.  The only way to true fulfillment and happiness is with the Lord. Solomon tried it all. 
He studied pleasures, drinking, built great things and had servants.  He said whatever my eyes desired I didn't keep from myself.  So many times we think it we just had ________ (fill in the blank)  I would be happy.  It may make you happy for a brief moment but it will pass.  True happiness is from the Lord and having your life entrusted to Him.  He will give you joy in whatever circumstance you are in. 
Proverbs was written with wisdom and Ecclesiastes shows us foolishness. 

Day 5
All will die - the wise and the fool alike, the rich and the poor.  We will take nothing with us when we do. 
Better to have a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and striving after wind.  
Two are better than one - they have a good return for their work.  For if they fall, one  will lift the other up.  A threefold cord is not quickly broken.  I alway like to remember this scripture for marriages.  When our marriages have Jesus in them as one of those cords we are not easily broken.  When you realize you need to treat your spouse like a Jesus's beloved you see them as the special gift that they are. He needs to guide you in all your marriage decisions, not ourselves   We will just mess it up!
If you love money it will not satisfy   Doesn't matter what we have if our soul isn't the Lords, we won't be satisfied. 

Day 6
Patient in spirit is better than proud of spirit. If in prosperity than be joyful - in adversity than consider God has made one as well as the other.
Don't take to heart all the things people say. 
It will be well for those who fear God, but not for the wicked. 
Solomon examined all the deeds.  Man doesn't know how long he will live, live life to the fullest - full of Jesus!

Day 7
A little folly outweighs wisdom and honor.  Wise man's heart inclines him to the right but a fool's heart to the left. A fool multiplies words. 
The Lord is in control of all things. Remember your Creator.
Ecclesiastes is closed out with these words - Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.  

Happy Reading - Jeannie 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 22 May 28- June 3

Day 1
Ps. 88 
Lord I cry out day and night before You. A psalm about sorrow. Why do You hide from me Lord? I'm helpless.  Remain close to The Lord because the helpless feeling and crying can then be avoided.
Ps 89
I will sing of the steadfast love of The Lord forever. None can be compared to The Lord. Blessed are those who walk in the light of Your face.

There are so many proverbs that we can meditate on. I picked out a few from each that I will share over the next days readings.

Prov. 1
The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom and instruction. Hear your father's instruction and your mother's teaching. Don't consent if sinners entice you. Don't walk in the way with them, hold back your foot from their paths.
Prov. 2
Hear my words son, treasure my commandments, keep your ear attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding and you will find knowledge.
Prov. 3
Don't forget my teaching and you will add years to your life and peace will be added to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you, bind them on the tablet of your heart. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Sound wisdom  and discretion equals life for your soul.
Prov. 4
Let your heart hold fast to my words. Avoid evil and turn away, pass on it and it will equal deep darkness. Put away from yourself crooked speech and put devious talk far from you.
Prov. 5
Be wise and use discretion, lips of the forbidden woman dripped honey with smooth speech. In the end  she is bitter, keep from her. Let your wife fulfill  you and be intoxicated always in her love.
Prov. 6
Be wise, a worthless person goes about with crooked speech. The perverted heart devises evil. Things the Lord hates, haughty eyes, lying hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, running to evil, false witness, one who sows discord among brothers. Don't desire an adulterous relationship, you will be punished.
Prov. 7
Keep the good teaching as though it were the apple of your eye. The prostitute is loud and wayward, feet don't stay at home.
Prov. 8
Fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride, arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate. Those who seek Me diligently find Me. Blessed are those who keep the ways of the Lord. Hear instruction and be wise and don't neglect it. All you hate Me love death.
Prov. 9
If you give advice to a wise man he will listen. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Prov. 10
A wise son makes a glad father. A foolish son gives sorrow to his mother. God will not let his children go hungry. Walk in integrity, it equals security. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. Heed instruction. When words are many, transgression is not lacking. The way of the Lord is a strong hold to the blameless.
Prov. 11
Pride is followed by disgrace but with the humble is wisdom. Evil people won't go unpunished.
Prov. 12
Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones. Way of the fool is right in his own eyes but a wise man listens to advice. Truthful lips endure forever. Lying lips are an abomination. Those who act faithfully are His delight.
Prov. 13
A wise son listens to father's instruction. If you love your son you will discipline him.
Prov. 14
Be prudent, wise and cautious. Turn away from evil. A man of quick-tempered acts foolishly. Slow to anger equals great understanding. Wisdom rests in the heart of the man of understanding.
Prov. 15
A soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger. The Lord sees everything. A glad heart makes a cheerful face. The fear of the Lord is instruction and wisdom.  Humility comes before honor. 
Prov. 16
Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.  The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establish his steps.  The wise of heart is called discerning. 
Prov. 17
An evildoer listens to wicked lips and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue.  A friend loves at all times. A joyful heart is good  medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. 
Prov. 18
A fool takes no pleasure in understanding.  But only in expressing his opinion.  The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and its safe.
Prov. 19
Better to be poor and walk in integrity.  A false witness will not go unpunished and he who breathes out lies will not escape. Good sense makes one slow to anger.  A prudent wife is from the Lord. 

Definition of prudent (adj)

 [ prd'nt ]   
  1. having good sense: having good sense in dealing with practical matters
  2. carefully considering consequences: using good judgment to consider likely consequences and act accordingly
  3. careful in managing resources: careful in managing resources so as to provide for the future

Happy Reading - Jeannie