Friday, December 28, 2012

Week 1 - January 1st -7th

Week One - January 1 - 7

I was blessed that when I was reading about creation it seemed like God kept confirming it to me.  How Awesome He is and how He is responsible for everything.  
"He is before all things & in Him all things are held together"

Satin was perfect and blameless then sin came in and pride.  A reminder to myself to not allow things (sin) to enter in and keep pride out!

We may have all felt like we have gone through some tough times but we can read Job and think "WOW that's a lot to take in" God NEVER left Job, but God also allowed the suffering in his life.  It reminds us in our tough times that God is STILL WITH US ALWAYS!

Reminds me that if people in my life are suffering to not be a friend to them like Jobs friends were to him.  They didn't help, but blame.  We can always encourage one another with uplifting and encouraging scripture.

Here is the link to the bible reading schedule:


  1. Hey Jeannie,

    I love the owl picture! Can't wait to start reading!!!

  2. Reading...already seeing things I had forgotten. and the chronological setup really reinforces and explains each subject. Thank for finding this program, Jeannie.

  3. Hey Jeannie, I miss you already! I'm working on my reading...just wish I had a "dollar" to put in my bible to keep my place! Haha! Love you!

  4. Julia Sortor said,
    Wish I could be there! I am being so blessed and reminded of so many small details in this reading format. Love you miss you, Julia
