Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 12 March 19-March 25

We all get busy and have "stuff" going on but dear sister I pray that you will continue to be in God's word as often as you can. Set aside that special time to meet with Him and read.  I get behind and catch up too so don't think you are alone out there.  I am praying for you!

Joshua 14
I thought this was note worthy...Caleb was promised land when he spied out land at 40 years old. Now he is about 80 and land is being given.  He has to have a voice and speak up and ask for it.  Sometimes we need to speak up and ask for those promises.  He was humble though and had been waiting a long time.  Never is it recorded that he whined and worried if he would get his land or that he complained to anyone that he waited that long. The Lord made the promise and Caleb knew that it would come to pass.

Joshua 16
The Israelites didn't drive out the Cannanites so they became forced laborers to them.  When we don't remove the sins in our lives we become a slave to it.  It needs to be completely removed or it will creep back in and take over again and again. 

Joshua 18-21
They are finishing dividing up the land.  Also setting up the cities of refuge for those who have killed unintentionally.  Jesus is our refuge always.
They then had rest on every side and no enemies stood before them. V.45 Not one of the good promises which the Lord made to Israel failed, all came to pass.  Same for us not one of Gods good promises will fail, they will ALL COME TO PASS. 

Joshua 22
The Reubenites, Gadities and 1/2 tribe of Manasseh were blessed and told they could go back to families on other side of Jordan.  They had been faithful to stick with their brothers and fight for the rest of the land. They were warned again to observe Gods commands. 
When they got by the Jordan they set up an altar as a memorial.  The other Israelites thought they they had turned away and were in rebellion and were going to attack them.  But the met up and realized that wasn't the case.  They were ready to set their brothers straight if they had turned away from God.  

Joshua 23
 Be firm then to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses so that you wont turn aside from it to the right or the left. Don't associate with other nations or mention the name of their gods or swear or bow before them. Cling to the Lord your God. Take diligent heed to yourselves to love the Lord your God.  If you intermarry with them God wont drive out nations before you. You will perish quickly if you follow other gods. 

When we follow ways of other people that are not the ways of God we will be torn away from our Lord. Don't have any part of it.  They were told especially not to intermarry because then it is even more difficult.  That is why we shouldn't be unequally yoked.  Within a marriage, business and many other ways.  Doesn't mean we don't still talk with people and tell them about the Lord though. Just means that you shouldn't have intimate relationships with the people who are serving other gods as they will try to pull you away from the Lord. 

Joshua 24
A review of the history and Joshua dies at 110 years old.

Judges 1
They began to live with the people of the other countries.  Big mistake. They had been warned many times. 

Judges 2
Angel of the Lord came and asked why they didn't obey and they cried out.  People did evil and served false gods.  The Lord would raise up Judges to rule over the people and they would do well while the judge was alive, but when they died the people went back to evil ways.  

It is like when you are driving your car and you see in the rear view mirror a police man behind you.  You drive correctly and don't speed.  Then he pulls in front of you and turns.  Well do you immediately go back to speeding? Or whatever it might be.  Kids may behave while the teacher is in the classroom but get silly when they step out for a minute.  We need to know that God is with us always and we need to behave in a Christ-Like manner at all times.  The Israelites needed a leader but they also needed to do what was right when someone wasn't watching over them 24/7.

What a beautiful account.  I never put a time line on when the book of Ruth occurred   So glad to be reading in this format to see that Ruth occurred during this time period.  The interesting thing is that Ruth was a Moabite, a foreigner.  But she proved to be faithful.  She did not pull her husband and family away from their beliefs but took them on as her own.  This was proved when Naomi returned to her homeland and Ruth went with her.  She was faithful and was blessed by her obedience to her mother in law and she did as she was told.  It may not have been what she was used to in her culture but she trusted and was blessed because of it.  
Boaz to was an upright man as he knew he needed to allow the rightful kinsman redeemer to redeem Ruth.  But when that man gave his blessing to Boaz he stepped forward and redeemed her. 

Judges   4-5
Again the people did evil in the sight of the Lord and then they cried out to Lord and He helped them.  A pattern that we will see again and again.  A pattern that we do ourselves often.  I am thankful for a mericiful God  that hears my cries and picks me up again and sets me straight.  Not that we can just mess up with no worries.  There are always consequences to our sins but we are forgiven and He will always be there for us.  Praise God!!!

Happy Reading - Jeannie 

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