Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 8 February 19 - February 25


  • Moses was to do a census of men 20 years and up that were able to go to war. 
  • Levites not counted because they were to serve at the Tabernacle
  • Lord would tell Moses where to camp and when to set out. 
  • Each family had a task/job to do. 

All that were unclean had to be sent away from camp. The Lord dwelt in their mist therefore there couldn't be anyone unclean.  If they had sinned they needed to confess, repent and make it right (restitution). Same applies to us today. We can read through a lot of the Old Testament and think it doesn't apply. But it certainly does.  No we don't live under the law but under Grace.  God still can't  be in the mist of sin, that is why He sent His One and only Son, Jesus, to die for me and for you.  So that we can have a relationship with our Heavenly Father.  The Old Testament points us directly towards Jesus.  We need Him so desperately!!!

Numbers 5:12   Unfaithfulness
If a women was thought to be unfaithful she had to drink of the bitter water.  If she was guilty then her belly would swell and her thigh would rot away.  If she was innocent she would be fine. It was also written that the  law also said that both women as well as men were to be stoned to death if they were unfaithful.  The bible tells us that we MUST be faithful in our marriage.  It is a picture of  Jesus and the church.  We are His bridegroom.  If the man felt jealousy then he would have his wife drink of the bitter water. Just like the husband suspected unfaithfulness and was jealous, God too is a jealous God.  He wants us to be faithful to Him; you shall have no other gods before Me. 
When the woman was unfaithful and she drank of the water her guilt would be terrible.  There were serious side effects.  No matter what the sin is there are always effects from it  So often our sin doesn't just effect us but also many around us.  

Numbers 6:24-26 Lord bless you and keep you, Lord make His face to shine upon you & be gracious to you, Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace.

Numbers 7 -9
The Tabernacle is set up.  Offerings brought. Levities cleansed and presented to the Lord.
All the people were to observe the Passover.  If they did not then they would be cut off from their people.  

Numbers 10-11 
Trumpets and why they were to be blown. 
The Isrealities were to set out.  Moses told his father in law to go with them.  But he wanted to go back with his family.  Moses told him he would be blessed if he stayed with them.  When the Ark was being carried out Moses said, "Rise up O Lord and let Your enemies be scattered and let those who hate You flee before You!" Our great and awesome God will rise up against our enemies.  We need to go with Him always.  He is our protection and our peace. 

Numbers 11
A mixed multitude complained.  When I looked up what the "mixed" multitude was it meant that the families were those who had intermarried.  Meaning that they had married with the Egyptians.  The were unequally yoked.  

The people were sick of eating the manna that was provided. 
Waa Waa Waa
The people complained and cried.  Moses was overwhelmed to the point where he would rather die than to continue to deal with these complainers. But Moses wasn't dealing with them all on his own.  God was.  Moses took on the burden for himself.  God wants us to give those burdens to Him.  God told Moses what to do.  Appoint the elders for help.  Then Lord gave them meat.  Not just some meat but so much meat that it would be coming out their noses.  Icky... 
God gives us what we need.  Sometimes what we think we want... isn't always what is best for us.  God knows and we can trust Him to give us what we need, when we need it. 

Numbers 14 -  The people complain again. They wanted to appoint another leader and go back to Egypt instead of listening to Moses.  Moses was a very humble man.  How many times also did we read that Moses interceded to God for the people.  God wanted to destroy them and Moses fell on his face before the Lord. Moses was representing Jesus.  Our sin equals death.  But Jesus interceded for us so that we wouldn't die.  We are born again and death has no sting because we have everlasting life with Him. 

God had them spy out the land of Canaan.  It was a very awesome land.  They came back to Moses and told him.  But many were afraid.  Joshua and Caleb knew God would be on their side.  But the others didn't trust Him. The men again turned on Moses and tried to do it their way.  
The result was wandering and death. . 

God told them to put tassels of blue on their garments to remind them to not follow after their own hearts and eyes and to remember to do what God had called them to do. We should be reminded also to do it Gods way not our own.  Remember He is our Heavenly Father and He will be with us and show us the right way to go. 

Thank you all (whoever you may be) who read this blog.  I pray it is encouraging.  If at anytime there is something that is confusing or you may think is in error please let me know.  I  pray for wisdom and hope to write only the truth here.  But we are all "works in progress" and I may make mistakes.  Please contact me and let me know.  I will fix it if so. Also if I don't know you are reading with us please contact me and let me know, as I go down my list every week and pray for you all. I don't want to leave anyone out.  Or maybe someone that just looked online and is reading this blog.  
I wrote a lot about Jesus and how we need Him in our lives.  Not just so we can be happy. But without Him our sin = death.  This I KNOW this the truth.  If you aren't sure that if you will  be with Jesus after you leave this life here on earth please contact me so we can talk about it. It would be the most important thing you do in your life.  Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savoir. 
You can contact me for any of the above reasons at readingforjesus@gmail.com 

Thanks and Happy Reading - Jeannie 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeannie,
    Thanks for being so faithful! You are a great example. I got a bit bogged down in Leviticus, and have been struggling to catch up. Argh. I'm noticing that much of what God required to worship Him doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but it doesn't matter. We must do things His way, not what is logical to us. Why, because He says, I Am the Lord Your God. Just like He brought them out of Egypt, He purchased us with His blood. That's all the reason we should need to obey Him. Thanks, Marti
