Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week 26 June 25- July 1

Day 1
Elisha warns widowed women to leave area because of the famine is coming.  
He also told the prophets to put on a large pot of stew.  They put whatever they could find in it, including poisonous plants.  Elisha threw some flour in it and prayed and the Lord blessed it and they would have enough plus leftovers. 
Naaman the leper was a good man.  He was told by his wife's servant that there was a man that could cure him.  He went to Elisha and was told to wash in Jordan 7 times.  He wasn't happy because he thought that it should be done differently. He did it anyway and was cleaned. He wanted to thank Elisha with gifts but Elisha refused.  Gehazi wanted the gifts and ran after Naaman and took the gifts foolishly.  He was wrong and then received the leprosy himself.
Famine is so severe the people were even eating their children. 

Day 2 
Jehoram dies of severe bowel disease and no one honored him or regretted his death. 
Four lepers go into Syrian camp. They are able to raid it because the Lord had scared all the men away.

Day 3
Jehu is anointed king. He had relatives of Ahaziah killed and had the men throw down Jezebel and she was killed. He also had all the prophets of Baal meet with him.  He tricked them and told them that they were going to sacrifice to him.  But once he had them all there he killed them.  Not only did he stand up for the Lord he purged the evil out as well. He wiped Baal out from Israel. Although he didn't turn aside from all sins. 

Day 4
Joash as king made a covenant that the people should be the Lords.  He restored the house of the Lord.

Day 5
Joel - Tell your children and childrens children awaken. A call to repentance. Lord tells them to return to Me with all your heart.  He is gracious and merciful  slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love.  All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  There will be judgement but the Lord is a refuge to his people, a stronghold to the people of Israel. He is our stronghold too. 

Day 6 - 7
A box was placed in the temple to collect the money from the people.  The money was collected and was abundant. 
Zechariah stood up and asked why did the people go against the Lord.  Now that they had forsook Him, He will forsake you.  The people stoned him and as he was dying he said, "May the Lord come and avenge."
Amaziah took 300,000 choice men to war and hired 100,00 men from Israel to go to war.  The Lord told him to send away the the Israelites because He wasn't with them. Amaziah was worried because he had paid them already.  But he was told that the Lord would blessed him with more than what he had spent.  He listened and sent the men away. 

This is a hard part of scripture to keep track of.  Going back and forth with the North and South and then different kings.  Who was evil, who was good.  Then they turn from being good to bad.  Sounds like the times today.  A leader may start out ok, but then go down the wrong road.  Well if you are still reading stick with it.  Even when it gets a bit confusing and (like me) feels like you are just trying to figure out who is in charge of what people. Keep reading and just think.  You are more than 1/2 way through.  What an awesome accomplishment.  You are being blessed by His word!!!

Happy Reading - Jeannie 

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